Our partners, major donors and supporters

At Starick, we are constantly working towards sourcing partnerships and programs that will improve the wellbeing of our clients.
Listed below are our partners in service delivery, our major donors and supporters. But many other individuals and organisations too numerous to mention contribute to our work in so many ways.
We acknowledge every single one of them, big and small, for helping and encouraging us in our work supporting women and children escaping family and domestic violence.
If you would like to discuss providing us with in-kind support and/or donating to our service, please do not hesitate to contact Starick CEO Leanne Barron - ceo@starick.org.au

Our partners in service delivery
Telethon - grant funding towards the Thriving Through Connection Program.
Access Housing – a partner in the provision of transitional housing.
Department for Child Protection and Family Support – provides our major funding to enable us to offer our core services.
Department of Housing – a partner in the provision of transitional housing.
Lotterywest – provides us with annual funds for essential emergency relief.
City of Canning – contributes to the provision of Mary Smith for crisis accommodation.
City of Gosnells – contributes to the provision of Starick House for crisis accommodation.

Major donors and supporters


Rotary Applecross




Soroptimist International South Perth
Beyond Bank
Clayton Utz
Gosnells Ladies Golf Club
Lions club of South Perth
Lions Club Armadale & Kelmscott
Magnetic People
SCentre Group
Perth Radiological Clinic
Soroptimist International South Perth
St Michael and All Angels
Murdoch University Village
The Petroleum Women of Perth
The Rotary Club of Applecross
The Rotary Club of Ascot
The Rotary Club of Southern Districts